Tag Archives: chad grimm

you came to see a home show… a big gigantic…

Leah left town for a work trip Sunday morning – so we played man sitter for her: We took Steve to brunch and from there we went to the home show downtown.

Brunch rocked… I mean – we’re not really brunchophiles and have a limited frame of reference – but I’d have to say Nadoz has one of the best one we’ve ever had…. 22 bucks for access to this amazing spread of food… wooah.. totally decadent…

The Home Show was… well.. a home show?

Never really been to one before… I shot a couple of exhibits during after hours back when I worked with Alise – but that was a different experience.

This was like swimming through a third world open market… – the kind you see in Indiana Jones movies except replace the crowd-calling, dried monkey brain vendors with guys donning headset microphone PAs and suspicious british accents.

Why do home product demonstration guys have ambiguous UK accents?

… and then there’s the rest…

I refuse the believe the swarthy old guy with the handle bar mustache really travels around the US demonstrating “Mr. Sushi”… so where did they get him?

Educated guess says from a casting agency? All these demo guys were outgoing and had a little schtick… But all that seems like it’d be demoralizing for a professional actor doesn’t it? (at least it sounds like an abstract for a Sedaris short story).

or.. maybe they’re the finest cream of the crop, skimmed from the pool of warehouse-club sample ladies…

I internally obsessed about this for more of our hike through the exhibit than I should have.

It was information overload anyway… Found a local designer concrete guy, (stinky flash site) – which has got me fantasizing about the vanity in the bathroom, (for whenever we afford to remodel it).

Other notes and impressions from the show:
We humans are a stinky lot aren’t we?

but no really.. where do demo people come from…. what’s that?… oh yeah.. babbling…. sorry.

6 as 3

Every morning before I leave for work I slip Flax Seed Oil and a multi-vitamin in the little elastic band on Chad’s wallet.

It’s good for him since left to his own devices, he’ll tend to forget to take them.

It’s good for me because it’s a quick moment,… every morning,… a micro-ritual where I pause to say “Your well being is important to me.”

The absolute gravity of that declaration smacks my throat with towel wrapped bar of soap on this day…. The day Kevin and I approached our buddy Chad and said:

fuck convention, we love you, let’s live our lives together.

We chose Valentines Day for cliché, commercially convenient reasons…

That we celebrate this anniversary on this sticky sweet holiday for lovers is where our similarities to traditional, species-survival oriented pairings (and their homosexual act-alikes), ends.

Somewhere in the past six years we grew tired of trying to define ourselves by what we are not.

What we are is in awe…. in gratitude… in love…


To Chad, the reason why we even pause today – Happy Anniversary….

And you my beloved old battle axe Kalzabar… a smile, a wink and commercial KISSâ„¢.

I’m babbling in love.


Only two people will get this pic… that is they’ll get it,… urr.. when they get it… or… if they get it…. get it?

oish.. nevermind…

I was just way late on fulfilling a promise to make a CD for an old friend – and making it was a bunch of long forgotten fun…

I’ll babble about it once I make sure the parties in question got their packages.

Kevin said this is his new favorite photo of us and ran off with one of the prints and stuck it on the fridge…. this breaks my “none of my own work hanging up” rule – but I kinda like the low-brow appeal of sticking what you’ve been working with lately in a high-traffic / low-attention spot like the fridge…. sorta passive-aggressively pretentious … sorta… woops.. this is sounding like babbling.