Tag Archives: chad grimm

no.. like fuckin’ rappers

Went to a special event / fundraiser thingie at Agave last month… Mum was doing the publicity so she called her buddy Suzy Gorman in to take event pictures.(*inset photo = Suzy, the photographer and Suzy, my mum).

I’ve mentioned her before in here ages ago… actually – she still owes me a shoot for a design project I did for her – just haven’t cashed it in yet… The cool thing about being a designer is you find yourself within striking range of great talent, and inevitably getting to swap favors with them… (see earlier when I got Jerry Tovo to take portraits of my dad).

I really gotta schedule that sitting in Suzy’s studio with the 3 of us… will make that a “must do” next year I guess.

Meanwhile – we got this pic from the event…

We were sitting there snarfin down food and margaritas when she came up and told us to flip off the camera…

we did….

she corrected us…

“No… Not like that – fuckin’ like rappers… you gotta use both hands!”


*motor drive sound* (she still uses film..)


hey….. sorry… Holiday compression of last week has had me focusing elsewhere.

Went out to “the farm” (where Elise’s horses live), on Sunday… Andy and Andrew are away at scout camp… and the Farm’s owners are vacationing leaving Elise to mind things.



well.. that’s overstating it I guess.

It was us three, Elise and one of her equineophile girlfriends Sara.

Rode the 4-wheelers in the far pasture at sunset…. Magic… Pink sky above trees above a field of blooming sunflowers divided by horse silhouettes… I didn’t have a tripod… (fehk)

BBQ’d tri-tips and birdy breasts.

spinach salad… ask me about the dressing….

I’ll throw some more pics up later.

hey -…

