Tag Archives: media

cell empathy

suddenly, I want to drive a red car

Kept my nose in my PowerBook for most of the day on a logo re-creation /vectorization project. You’d think it’d be a pain in the ass to redo someone else’s work, but this flavor of tedium is nice sometimes. I’m sure the client will be happy with the results.

The Loony Tunes collections came up on the Netflix Cue.

The last time I actually sat and digested an hour or two block of these W.B. cartoons, I was too young to notice the political subtext and awkward subliminals.

At some point in the evening I looked at the guys and exclaimed: “God – these are reallllly reallllly violent. If I had a kid I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable letting them see these.”

Chad of course pointed out that we all watched these as kids and none of us grew up to become sadists or axe murders…. Touche.

I guess when you’re 6 years old, a trash can lid in the face is funny.

At empathetic 32, all I could do was think: “Wow.. that had to hurt – and I bet it broke his nose or fractured his skull”.

I’m not blogging.

dumb algorithm

What do people really think of your LJ?
LJ Username  
People think your journal  doesn’t have enough nudie pictures
Actually hates you :  intheinterlude
Wants to be you :  jbdallas
Wants to get in your pants :  chrisglass
Isn’t a real person :  minusbaby
Percentage of your journal that isn’t boring – 33%

This fun quiz by mayfair – Taken 4081 Times.

this is soooooo dumb

OK… I’m not the type to blog – let alone do one of these little silly “me-me” things – but I ran accross this on LiveJournal and I had to try it.

what in the hell are these answers based on?

and besides.. chrisglass HAS a pair of my pants…



So you ask why did we yank the cable and antenna feed from our television four years ago.

Because truth and accuracy is not part of the equation of communication anymore.

NY-Times Story Link.

Now think deeper… what does this imply about so many other things.

I’ll enclose the story from the New York times behind a cut so the story is preserved on the blog that I don’ t have. Because, I’m halfway convinced that if things keep going the way they are – this story will most likely be censored off of the NY-Times server.

I guess what it boils down to is the question… “Just how much are we being lied to and information being distorted?” Weather it’s the Bush administration or way far out left-wing conspiracy spin doctors.

Take note monkiters.

We’re at a time in our existence as a civilization where the very base concept of Truth – (ON OR OFF – YES OR FUCKING NO) is now grey, uncertain and merely a principle.

I’m not blogging…. (I’m LYING)


npr guilt

shower guilt machine

Alright – I’ll admidt it… While we haven’t watched television in over three years, there’s still one mass-media feed I’m completely addicted to…. N.P.R.

I shower with Diane Rhem every morning – which is a little disturbing because I now associate the woman with intelligent, in-depth news issue coverage with being naked and wet.

I have no idea where Lake Whoebegon is – but I want to move there.

This is “pledge week” for our local NPR affiliate so a portion of every hour is filled with the guilt-generating jabber which makes me feel like a scoundrel. It seems like every time they have a drive we’re not in the position to let go of a couple hundred bucks – which I’d happily do.

note to self: “make loose change jar for NPR”

I could go on and on about the importance of publicly funded radio and television, but this is hardly a media forum.

Let alone a blog.