At some point in recent history it occurred to me that I should make throwing work into this stuff bucket a more habitual thing… There’s a lot of projects that come across my desk that are “quickies”. Though these types of assignments wouldn’t traditionally be considered portfolio pieces – I really paused when considering the sheer volume of these that I’ve moved through my desktop over the years.
There’s a discussion topic launch point right there… how this kind of technology has really changed the nature of “portfolio”… Decades ago portfolio pieces *had* to be precious… My perfectly printed samples encased in plastic and slid into that trusty leather binder… the one I’d gripped white-knucked so many times and schlepped into first-time meetings with a potential client or employer.
I just found that old portfolio in this last move. It’s a perfect time capsule from back to about 2003 which was the last time I made an analog presentation.
I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away… that ole piece of cow hide and I went a lot of places together. I can count the fingernail marks on the spine like rings of a tree… “There’s the ones from the Flieshman Hillard portfolio review…. and there’s the one from that one bank… Â and there…”
Oh yeah – about the image. ↑
My old colleague Erin (O’Brien) Wright rang me up from her new job and asked if I could massage a ragged bitmap image their company had cannibalized using CAD to show their company locations. The end destination for the graphic is a large conference room window in their office. The solution (which was actually a little more tedious than you’d think to get to) will install on the glass as three layers of vinyl: 2 on the inside of the glass, 1 on the outside.