
Kevin sneaking with my camera again

Danny came by the house yesterday and cut my hair. It’s been over a month since last he groomed my mop.

He’s still dealing with some serious pain from his surgery and he’s modified his work schedule accordingly. (I’ll think twice about bitching about how a lack of portable computer is effecting my workstyle).

I’m ill equipped to deal with friends who are in pain. Oh sure, I can do the happy-go lucky cheer-em-up routine – but inside I’m twisting my internal organs into a ball worrying about them.

He snipped away and we chatted about all sorts of things including his present husband hunt.

He wondered if he ran an ad reading “Aging Ex-Drag Queen Hairdresser, some surgical scarring, big dick, top – seeks life partner” would work.

I cleaned up the coffee that sprayed outa my nose and told him he’d definitely get points for honesty.

What he forgot to add to that description was: Warm, loving, compassionate and the type of person who makes friends for life.

I did my reciprocal tutoring on his iBook and we snarfed a gyro salad down before sending him on his way and me back to my hole in the back of the house to try and get some more work done.

If I had a blog – I’d be half tempted to try and play rent-a-yenta and offer up this fine specimen of potential husbandry. (email me if you want his AOL Addy). 😉