Tag Archives: 420

forty to five

coat check

Up and out breakfastless Saturday morning to get downtown to drop Chad at work and to help xenohomo decorate the space for the evening’s Saints and Sinners Ball.

As cynically expected, the “army of people” for the task turned out being myself, Kevin and Dr. Drew (much need to non-blog rave about him) and his friend. More folks showed up in the afternoon at least to help out which was something of a relief.

We spent the bulk of our time climbing scaffolds and stringing Christmas tree lights… Gratifyingly tiring.

Heading home we debated going back for the event itself but decided let’s power-nap and see how we feel. Thankfully, post-snooze, we decided to clean up and head back down.

There was a real nice crowd… Mix between philanthropic west-countyites, sheer fringe crazy-drag queens, yuppie homos and folks from the “St. Louis Art Crowd”.

It was nice to get out to a social event like that and rub elbows with the city’s arty-to-do and the other flavors of homos out there besides the lumberjack/biker sub-set we tend to cling to.

We didn’t wind up leaving till 1:30am. While waiting for our coats I kicked myself in the ass a few times for forgetting my camera. I was interrupted by a mountain of coats resembling Chad that handed me my check ticket. A muffled voice yelled: “Here… there’s your damn blog content…. here take your coat.”

I of course took the ticket… my coat and exclaimed “I DON’T BLOG”

Devine Pancakes


Yesterday was similar to most Sundays.

Up early downing coffee and multitasking between reading, manic cleaning and preparing breakfast for my sleep-in prone lovers.

Meth has nothing on a good pot of Starbucksâ„¢ Columbian.

Slaved another few hours over the afternoon over those damn closets. They’re nearly finished, just one more coat of poly and then we can get to the other long list of projects in the cue.

Spent a fun evening deconstructing John Water’s Polyester and wondering if the consistent use of the color blue was a narrative device or simply coincidence. Or would this be considered a device or simply a fetish on behalf of the set designers. Or? (someone with a film background help me out here).

At some point in the discussion, pancakes came up… And sounded damn good… The addition of frozen blackberries? – absolute genius. (well – it was profound at the time).

The analysis of Polyester was eclipsed by the observation of the anthropomorphic qualities of that first mangled pancake on the griddle.

We dubbed him a “McFrown” – and then promptly ate him.

Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to snap a photo before devouring him – for posterity’s sake… And for not-blogging’s sake… Of course.