Tag Archives: critter


rotten bastard

Yesterday was a series of conscious episodes between very deep sleep. I think I was awake for like a total of 2 hours of daylight – long enough to field some client calls, take more aspirin and go back to bed.

I was up long enough to hear a bizarre scratching and rocking noise. At first I thought it was the decongestants until I saw something out of the corner of my eye out the window.

The chubby squirrels outside are doing their freak out – pig out thing for the fall.

I had my camera handy….

And with the three-click miracle of iMoive, even a sedated monkeybear can quickly put together a clip the likes of which Bob Saggat would narrate.

All of which to not blog about.

click to play quicktime movie



Chad supervised over the weekend at work so it was pretty much Kevin and I flying solo. He played his new wa


r simulator, I did chores and… created a resume.

“I’m sorry did you just say work on your resume?”

I finally heard back from Leah about that agency freelance gig. Get this – I’m not being considered…. why? – Because they felt I was too expensive / advanced for what the were looking for in a freelancer.
Apparently they’re looking for more of a jr-level designer… someone a little younger they can simply throw in front of a workstation and churn out production work.

So… I’m not sure how,… but one conversation led to another and we were talking about a “Creative Director” position which just opened up there and how my credentials matched what the job called for.

Leah asked if I could distill the biographical information from my portfolio presentation into one-page and give it to her so she could pass it along to her friend in H.R.

I’d actually never known what the difference between these agency titles were before. I assumed I was art-director material – but now I’ve learned that because of my varied skill sets and experience with “big picture” concepting…. it makes me more of a “Creative Director” type. Huh – ?

Nonetheless – what followed was the second guessing and soul searching asking myself “What in the hell are you doing?”.

It doesn’t hurt to talk right? – and doesn’t mean I’ve skipped down the path of “sell-out for chubby salary”… yet.

I figure at this point it’d be stupid to overlook opportunities… And it’s not every day one comes up where you know someone in a firm and you’ve already got a toe-in the door.

Leah warns of one shortcoming in my otherwise perfectly fit credentials and experience: “I lack agency experience.” Which, in my mind of course, is an asset.

She also warns that while the firm prefers to recruit via referral, if a candidate comes in from someone actually “in” the creative department – they’ll get considered first even-though she’s a senior account manager.

sooooooooooo… who knows. maybe they’ll call me in to talk again or not…. Leah, speaking from experience, said I’m having my “10 year career itch.” So maybe it’s this odd kinda soul-searching midlife crisis… Or maybe I’m bored. Or… Maybe I’m growing tired of fighting tooth and nail with strapped clients to churn out solid concepts for $400 a piece. or … (grumble)

So anyway… so one of the “chores” was cleaning out the TRIOPS tank.

Yup… Dad struck again with obscure and strange things sitting around his house that he’s given to us.

These are little prehistoric creatures you can get in a little kit, sorta like Sea-Monkeys. “Just Add Water” – and a few days later you’ve got little critters swimming around the provided 5″x8″ plastic tank.

You feed them with the supplied food pellets, but can also feed them little bits of carrot or… get this.. Sea Monkeys. They also eat each-other, so now after a good four weeks, only the three biggest (most hungry I assume) have survived and have grown to about an inch and a half in length.

They look like little horseshoe crabs. The cats think they look like a snack.

Since after cleaning the water was nice and clear I figured it’d be a fun challenge to try and snap a photo of the little busy-bodies.

You know.. to not blog about.