Tag Archives: Fire

cold enough to burn

Had a little cold snap of the last two days, (the last I assume before the furnace starts).

Was a good excuse to go out and enjoy one last fire… (and burn off some pine we had sitting around from the tree in front).

I need to remind myself to take pictures of *US*, at least seasonally – it’ll make all this more meaningful when and if I hit old age and look back on it all oh look a chicken.


The last of the cold weather will probably give up before we can burn up the fence in the outdoor fireplace.

Yesterday was my Wednesday thanks to the professional wrestlers who are in town who’s visit has altered Chad’s work schedule.

MUST get out of the house today.

MUST not blog.

clever canadians

Went to Target to pick up a couple of new XBox controllers to replace the ones we’ve apparently worn out. (Damn you Bungie, makers of Halo2).

An end-cap in the seasonal department caught my eye…
A little product of Canada called “JavaLogs®”
I called out to Kevin about it. He thought I was talking about something to do with internet code.

They’re Duraflameâ„¢- type logs for your fireplace… The kind you use to get a big “real wood” fire started or for those nights when you just want a little fire without the hassle and set up of a big one.

The gimmick with these logs is that they’re made from spent coffee grounds.

So…. Thanks to delicious package design and the promise of a more earth-friendly alternative, we decided to pick one up and give it a try.

Obviously, we don’t have the scientific testing equipment to confirm the claims that the log produces 96% less residue and 54% less carbon dioxide than their sawdust made counterparts…. but – I can tell you it “did” produce WAY MORE flames and heat than we’ve grown accustom to from these types of logs. They didn’t smell like Starbucks while burning either – but emitted a subtle “sweet” smell.

At 16 bucks and some change for a case of six – they’re quite a bit more expensive than the Duraflames we buy at Costco for $12 for 9 logs….(they’re even more obscenely priced if you try to buy them on the net – because of shipping I’m sure). The performance is so much better – I “almost” don’t mind coughing up the extra cash.

Nonetheless – they’re cool… and…

Yet another reason to adore Canadians.

And not a reason to blog.


better than the kitchen

Great and full weekend.

jodfoster and Duffel hit town for a wedding and sacked here at our place.

Our only obligation for the weekend was tending to my dad’s yard and gutters which coincided with the wedding so the schedule worked out perfectly.

Friends seem to fall into two categories when they live out of town and come to visit: The kind where you feel obliged to drag them around and show them things and the other kind you’re perfectly happy to sit around and just visit.

Shannon and Duffel are of the later group…. Actually – now that I think of it… anymore… all of our friends fall in to that second group…. and it’s nice.

Both nights we wound up at devcubber‘s to do the same kind of friendly soul-satisfying nothing.

Bon fires, cookies, really strong iced coffee….

We’re due up to trek up and do some nothing in their neck of the woods.

*not blogging.