Tag Archives: nadoz


Photo shoot for Nadoz Café in Saint Louis… After years of establishing themselves as a great place to nab a salad, panini or crepe – they’re trying out a few new things. You wouldn’t think a european-inspired café would be a place to grab an American classic – but they’re hoping to catch folks off guard and illicit some curiosity.

These are a far cry from Burger King… I didn’t get chance to actually try one – but my eyes and nose said they’re delicious.

While there we also threw some other new stuff in front of the camera like their individual pizzas.

tech note:
These were shot using natural light (window) with some hand-held Speedlight bounce-fill… Made for SUPER fast shooting. That kinda stuff always makes clients happy since I’m not there stinking the place up for hours with the meter running. 🙂


free lunch foiled

we do windows

Ran BACK down to the restaurant client’s to throw up one more vinyl on a door from the previously botched self-install attempt.
I figured it’ll be a decent excuse to get us out of the office and mooch a free lunch. nadoz interior

The manager wasn’t there and the newbie staff had no idea who we were so we wound up paying for lunch. Not a big deal – the food is actually quite good. Five bucks will get you a side of Asian Pasta Salad (stupid good) and a nummy chicken breast sandwich with olives, roasted peppers, fresh mozzarella, and some form of shi-shi spread.

I was really worried about how the restaurant was going to look when they began construction, previously not-blogged, but it turned out way less* hideous than I thought it would. The layout / flow is wonky – but at least the interior drekorator put enough black design elements into the space to jive with my stuff. (Their identity is all based on mega-cheap one-color black print).

Definitely not the most progressive / interesting ID I’ve ever done, but given the parameters, the budget and client’s satisfaction, – I’m happy.

It’s always cool to see a project get implemented in the real world. The client’s pretty cool about letting me fuss over details like the little cards which label the carafes at the coffee refill station.

So.. I can’t bitch…. I can’t blog either.

nadoz identity

old white guys (and gals) can’t design

Had a site visit today for a logo gig. A client is putting in a restaurant adjacent to a large ballroom / meeting facility in a historic building they’re restoring. My meeting was with their interior “DREKorator” who, between fielding phone calls on her cell phone, hastily pulled out various fabric swatches and paint samples to enlighten me to her vision for the space.

It will be mortifyingly high-end. Sopping wet with the kind of pretense only Pottery Barn and the corporate folks at Barnes and Nobel would consider inhabitable.

Sadly, their target audience will be college students and I fear this baby-boomer design sensibility will miss the mark entirely. Sure if I had my way, I’d encourage them to leave it as rough as possible, without breaking any city codes… Fuck the terrazzo floor and pour concrete. Find the chunkiest-funkiest metal hand-me down fixtures you could find. Oh yeah – and make the whole place wi-fi.

I suppose I may be getting jaded – because at this point, despite a genuine “give a shit” sense about all my work: I’m seeing a quick logo treatment and moving on. Wet it, Wipe it,… GOOD NIGHT.

By the way, I’m still not blogging.