Tag Archives: resolution

shutdown and reboot

reboot my mind

I awoke with a mild headache… Thanks Jack.

Coffee, deeply missing the guys, the empty house, rewinding and trying to analyze the previous night…. I decompressed… Then shut down.

I went back to sleep.

I woke up… deeply missing the guys… sick of the empty house… rewinding and trying to analyze the previous night…. I decompressed again… Then shut down.

Third boots the charm… what was needed for my brain to catalog and everything and put on the back-processing burner.

Given the choice to sit and feel sorry for myself or bitch smack the dark cloud attempting to loom over my head – I chose the later… Time to make my own Christmas.

I re-caffeinated… Put on my favorite jammy pants, peeled off my t-shirt, put on a santa elf hat, cranked trance music loud enough to shake the house and got to cleaning, painting and dancing so furiously and with so much passion that I exercised my demons.

It will be days before I sit down to not blog.

action | reaction

it’s a sign! it’s a sign! (no shithead, it’s a check)

Madness…. It’s what ensues when we try to leave town, not the 80’s ska band.

The actual specifics of what happened today aren’t necessarily as interesting as their order / relevance – so I’ll try to just bullet point them.

Got to the office and a lingering pain in the ass banner project out of NY needed more corrections… Annoying… Time consuming – but fixed nonetheless.

Friends kept on showing up diverting my attention away from getting the stuff done I needed to… Taxing – but not a big deal – I was still able to peck at the work and be nice.

Left to get the oil changed in my car for the roadtrip. The instant oil change joint folks don’t carry filters for VW diesels… “Ya can go down to the parts store and get one and bring it back here” – the nice toothless man informed me… Then I realized – I better go back and try to sweet talk my way into the dealership. I’m getting more flustered.

Dimensional logo we were installing for a client today onto a podium turned out wrong. Freehand to Illustrator layer translation error… Sign company will fix for free – but won’t be done for a couple of days… Spent two hours creatively solving the problem with viny and pieced together “something” to be installed to make the client’s deadline. I’ve digested my own internal organs at this point.

Install went longer than expected – so we figured – “fuck it” – pack up the office, lock it down and let’s go have a beer and wait for Chad to get off work…. Fine – but on the way out – I stopped at the store for some things and my card wouldn’t work.

Back to the office to figure out what the hell’s wrong… An hour later after running quicken reports and cross checking… We found it… A hand check I cut myself for payroll that I forgot to tell Kevin about – throwing out books out of sync. The result? – Our bank account (will be) overdrawn by $746 once the checks that are out get cashed….

Spend the next hour and a half trying to figure out how to slam money into the account to keep the impending bounce-a-thon from happening BEFORE we’re supposed to leave town tomorrow. I throw an email out to a client who’s right at 30 days asking if I can just pick up their check tomorrow morning – and we both get really bummed over the whole thing. We’ve been living hand-to-mouth since the economic slow down… it’s been o.k. – but its not fun to run things so close to the wire.

Pick up Chad from work – recount the incredible “Nothing went right day”. Chad consoles by saying he has enough cash from his Tips to buy gas.


I’m beyond stressed at this point.. Being a glutton for punishment, I pick up the stack of mail sitting at home and figure I better do a quick summary on the home-bills to see just how many days I’m going to have to walk the street and sell my haggard ass to make ends meet by the end of the year.

Half way through the stack – I open a check from my insurance company. It seems that I overpaid my homeowners by $795.80 back in July when we bought the house. Just enough to stabilize the corporate checking account! Suddenly someone removed a very large weight from my shoulders.

Further down the stack of mail I opened another letter saying that I’m one of a handful of people selected for Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority’s new Loan Forgiveness program. In another letter from same organization, I get a summary which shows that two of my three student loads now have a zero balance.

Still probably in shock – I feel a little hungry and head to the kitchen… Going through cabinets…. saying to myself… “I just want something sweet….” – I find nothing but crackers and boxes of rice.

I figure, “Fine”, I’ll choke down one of Kevin’s Pepsis to satiate my sweet tooth. Grab a glass and go to the freezer to fetch some ice – and WOOOAH – There’s a tub of Ben and Jerry’s (Mint Chocolate Cookie) that I forgot I bought days ago.

NOW TELL ME – there’s no such thing as a higher-power and guardian angels..

And I’LL TELL YOU – there’s no such thing as my blog.