Tag Archives: thanksgiving

thanksgiving break

Despite the break – I’m still bandwidth compromised.

Thanksgiving at Mom’s was fine… Go for the guilt… stay for the food.

Mum’s doc friends were there… Always nice to see them.

My uncle was there…. Always as enjoyable as an IRS tax audit.*

*so’kay… since I started shifting in October – stuff like that just really doesn’t bother me anymore…

Three kinds of turkeys… Fried, smoked and roasted.

Weekend included:

Taxes… (last years.. and get this…. 06 too! I’ve NEVER turned stuff into the accountant EARLY before).
Removing pine sap from the cars… (and subsequently trashing the jetta’s clear coat.. ugh).
Nursing Chad back to health… (our colds turned into bronchitis for him)

Whipped out the rest of the leftovers last night…. why does cold 3 day old turkey taste soooooooo goooooood.

(insert clever serial ending here)

long weekend

4-Day weekend and I barely touched my computer…. let alone not blog…. and it’s o.k….

Observed Thanksgiving with Leah and Stephen by way of a twenty-something pound, Cajun-injected turkey which was then plunged into 350° oil for about forty minutes.

oh wow was it good…. They brought over Chorizo sausage stuffing to go with the bird which was equally kickass. We did the sides and appetizers…. My mom baked us a pumpkin pie.

Rico, Elise & Andy stopped by later that night….

It was a gluttonous day of food and friends to kick off the long weekend which included:

• More house cleaning.
• Finally taking my big camera into the shop for repairs.
• My bosses’ family popping in and hanging out.
• Debauchery at JJ’s Saturday night with Chad’s co-worker’s.
• Christmas decorating.

*all of which may or may not be not blogged in the days to come as I empty out my phone’s memory.

*some restrictions apply.

*all rights reserved

*blogs don’t exist

more feast, less famine.


Got to mom’s by 2PM. Was comatose with food by 5PM.

Two turkeys, (one smoked, one roasted), two kinds of stuffing, mashed sweet and standard potatoes, orgasmic gravy, homemade orange cranberry sauce, greenbean casserole, broccoli casserole, salad, pumpkin and pecan pies.

She loaded us up with leftovers.

Can’t blog – gotta go make a cold turkey sammich.


had to use the webcam

Yesterday was my wednesday off… When I emerged from the bedroom, for the second time, I witnessed this year’s first snow.

Between the last two weeks of big projects falling through and firing a client, I’ve got plenty on my plate to be pissed off and worried about this holiday season… but they don’t call this AngstGiving now do they..

THANKSgiving seems off – I’d rather call it GRATSgiving.

The words are basically synonymous but they feel as though they describe very different states of gratitude.

I prefer the contemplative nature of “Gratitude”…

I’m “Grateful” for the wonderful people, things and situations in my life,… and “thankful” to the variety of forces, both secular and spiritual, for them.

My lovers… without you, I’m incomplete.

My friends…. without you, I’m alone.

My family… without you, I have no origin.

Our house… without it, I have no sanctuary.

My mind… without it, I have no sanity.

My blog… without it, I have nothing to deny.

Happy Thanksgiving / 2K5